With constant changes and endless issues Amazon sellers face on an ongoing basis, the Amazon Seller Forum has likely come in clutch for most of us at least once or twice. Recently, some useful changes were made to the Seller Forum Page to enhance user experience and navigation.
What is the Amazon Seller Forum?
The Amazon Seller Forum has been around since the early 2000s and was created to provide an avenue for Sellers to ask questions, share their experiences, and solicit advice. Historically, it’s also been used as a place for Sellers to vent about the many frustrating issues that come along with selling on Amazon.
All major Amazon News releases also get posted to the Seller Forum by a moderator, allowing for Sellers to comment their thoughts and questions, and sometimes receive replies from a moderator. It's not uncommon to see backlash from annoyed Sellers when changes are announced.
From our perspective, Amazon should continue to use the Seller Forum to receive direct feedback from their 3rd Party Sellers and partners.
What Has Changed?
The Seller Forum has recently had a new makeover — and looks significantly different to the previous layout.
Here's what the old interface looked like:
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{% module_block module "widget_1677539959914" %}{% module_attribute "label" %}Image Gallery{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "path" %}@hubspot/gallery{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "module_id" %}1843377{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "schema_version" %}2{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "tag" %}module{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "no_wrapper" %}false{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "slides" %}[{"show_caption":false,"open_in_new_tab":false,"img":{"src":"https://2291924.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/2291924/image-2-1.png","alt":"new-amazon-seller-forum","size_type":null,"width":500,"height":270,"loading":"disabled"}}]{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "css" %}{}{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "child_css" %}{}{% end_module_attribute %}{% end_module_block %}Our Thoughts and Recommendations
In our opinion, the new design is much sleeker, less overwhelming, and easier to navigate to relevant discussions based on category and search. For the best user experience, we recommend updating your preferences and notifications, allowing Sellers to tailor the forum to their needs or concerns.
{% module_block module "widget_1677540011880" %}{% module_attribute "label" %}Image Gallery{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "path" %}@hubspot/gallery{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "module_id" %}1843377{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "schema_version" %}2{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "tag" %}module{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "no_wrapper" %}false{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "slides" %}[{"show_caption":false,"open_in_new_tab":false,"img":{"src":"https://2291924.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/2291924/image-3-1.png","alt":"amazon-seller-forum","size_type":null,"width":500,"height":262,"loading":"disabled"}}]{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "css" %}{}{% end_module_attribute %}{% module_attribute "child_css" %}{}{% end_module_attribute %}{% end_module_block %}With the constant updates in online marketplaces, it’s important to stay up to date with the latest changes. If you are a client looking for additional information, contact your strategist. Or if you are interested in learning more about how Retail Bloom can assist your brand efforts in online marketplaces, schedule a consultation with our team.