Since selling on Amazon is so customer-centric, customers often take advantage of Amazon’s lenient policies, and get refunds under circumstances where they shouldn’t have. Thankfully, there is a way to appeal these decisions using Amazon’s “Safe-T” claims function.
What are Safe-T Claims on Amazon?
Safe-T claims provide sellers an avenue to appeal refund decisions made by Amazon. If your claim is accepted, you will be reimbursed for the refund. According to Amazon: “When Amazon issues a refund to a customer and you think that you must not be held financially responsible for the charge, you may file a claim for reimbursement via the Seller Assurance for e-commerce Transactions (SAFE-T).”
How Sellers Can Utilize Safe-T Claims on Amazon:
If you notice that Amazon refunded an order and you disagree with their decision, use the Safe-T claims page within Seller Central to appeal the decision for a reimbursement.
Amazon has also recently made improvements to the Safe-T claims page. Sellers can now access the below key insights:
- Granted Claims Summary: Claims Value granted by Amazon
- Top 3 Claim Denial Reasons
- Top 3 ASINs with Claims
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